The Foundation for Liberating Minds (FLM) works to disrupt the root causes of oppression and marginalization through transformative education. We organize trainings and workshops in addition to various community-based programs. Our work is carried out by our Black-led, multiracial, multicultural, multiethnic collective of members. It is our ultimate goal to create The Liberation School OKC, featuring our transformative, anti-oppressive curriculum and holistic frameworks for student thriving.
It started out as a dream…
On June 16, 2017 at 8:58 in the morning, I woke up from the most surreal dream I have ever had. After realizing my passion for neuropsychology was a façade, I thought about what I truly wanted to do. I had never once thought about education. But in the dream, I was standing in the school that I assisted in establishing. I woke up with a burning sensation in my chest that felt like I had swallowed a lit match. The sensation alone brought me to tears because I had finally discovered what I was called on this earth to do.
Soon afterwards I called Tevin and Miles, so I created an elevator pitch and told them about my dream. Once Tevin answered the phone, I outlined everything until he cut me off mid-sentence with a simple reply: “I’m in.” While on the phone with Tevin, I texted Miles a picture of my notes I wrote. (Sidebar: I had known Miles for almost sixteen years... If there is anyone willing to give me a dose of reality, it’s him). Not long after, he also replied, “This is dope! I’m in!”
Since then, the FLM family has grown exponentially. Without these people, this dream would be just that – a dream! Pretty crazy, right?
- Alham Carter, Co-Executive Director