FLM Believes in Liberation
Liberation is freeing someone from some sort of slavery or imprisonment. It begins with the mind, freeing it from oppressive norms. For too long oppressive ideals and morals have been passed down because that’s all we know. We must first liberate that which will be a catalyst for change: the mind. Through education and the constant application of addressing your own privileges, biases, and ignorances alike, we will open the eyes of young Americans. We know that this world has molded us to forget about our past so that we may not move forward, along with keeping us in the same patterns, in the same system that has been oppressing us. Thus we must liberate generations to come in order to shape a better future.
FLM Believes in Education
FLM believes that liberation starts with education of the youth. It is difficult to unlearn what we have been socialized in for years. We must challenge these students to be accepting and to think outside the box. We strive to create a classroom where biases do not run unchecked, where we can be open and understanding of the people next to us. In order to do any of this, we must educate students to see how we get to points of misunderstanding. Education is the stronghold to growth of the mind, education must be more than what is shown in textbooks. One’s brilliance isn’t accurately represented solely by how well one can take a standardized test, or how high of a letter grade one can accrue. However, current generations have been taught that this is how we make it, this is what defines our intellect. We do away with this mindset and provide these students with a truly innovative education so that they can go into society with a well-rounded knowledge base so as to be the thought-leaders of the future.
Artwork by Quan Phan
FLM Believes in Equity
FLM believes that every being is created equal. The fact of the matter is that some groups have never been treated equally. We plan to change the way the next generation understands their surroundings and their fellow human. We believe that one’s sexuality, skin color, religion, ability, and all other identifying categories do not define the totality of a person. We intentionally break these barriers based on the biases that plague our society. Without consistent pressure on people with structural power, the rules that hold certain people down will live on. We believe that everyone deserves a chance, no one should be denied opportunity based simply on who they are. We do this work to create an equitable and open playing field so that everyone can reach the totality of their agency.
FLM Believes in the Power of the People
FLM believes in the power of the people. That our differences are something to unite us rather than divide us. That this radical understanding has the potential to be the very force that allows us to live in a truly free and equitable world. We know that when we stand together we cannot be defeated, no feat is too large. We know that there is voice and power within each and every person with the privilege to breath and that this voice has to be tapped into and empowered to dream, to thrive.